It is located between two important hill passes known as "Mantralamma kanuma" and "Nandi kanuma". The Northern part of this Sanctuary forms a major part of the Southern boundary for Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve.
The hilly terrain of the Sanctuary, decked with plateaus, ridges, gorges and deep valleys support a diverse flora and fauna. The springs, sacred groves and the perennial river 'Gundlakamma' that criss-crosses through the Sanctuary add to the beauty of the Sanctuary. It also has many, mesic sites and ancient rock formations.
Indicator Species
Tiger, Panther, Wild dog, Bats, Fig trees
Legal Status
Forest Type
Dry mixed deciduous forest, moist dry deciduous, semi evergreen, dry deciduous scrub forest and dry savannahs.
46° C in summer and 18° C in winter.
The floral diversity of this Sanctuary is incredible, with over 353 species of plants including trees, herbs, shrubs, climbers, grasses. The forest is an adobe to medicinal plants of which 10 are critically endangered, 21 are Endangered and 27 species are vulnerable. The plants like Madhuca longifolia, Dellenia pentagyna, Aristolochia indica, Terminalia arjuna, Pithecolobium ducle, Adina cordifolia, Vanda spp; etc; thrive here.
The forest life teems with invertebrate fauna including insects, scorpions, spiders, crabs, and other lower invertebrates. Amphibians like Leith's frog, Indian bull frog, Marbled balloon frog, Common toad, etc; are found here. Marsh crocodile, Cantor's black-headed snake, Russell's viper, Common skink, etc; are a few of the reptilian wonders. Its proximity to NSTR makes the bird diversity is very colourful. Birds like Demoiselle crane. Spot billed duck, Red start, Bar headed goose, Horned owl, Grey Hornbill, Ashy prinia, Paradise flycatcher; etc are to name a few. Tiger, Leopard, Rusty spotted cat, Indian Flying squirrel, threatened Lesser wooly horse-shoe bat (found only in GBM WLS), rare Savi's pygmy shrew; etc represent the mammalian fauna.