Dr.S.S.Sreedhar, I.F.S., Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Vigilance & Administration) Mob: 9440815044 Landline: 0863-2377553 Email: Issues dealt in the Wing Red Sanders Protection Forest Fire Forest Martyrs Vigilance & Enforcement/ Anti-corruption Bureau Cases / Initiation of Disciplinary Cases/ Complaint petitions & News paper clippings Schemes GOs/Guidelines/Circulars/Links Andhra Pradesh Forest Act, 1967 A.P. Forest Amendment Act No.15 of 2016 A.P.Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964. A.P.Civil Services (C.C.&A) Rules, 1991. Other Useful Links …Forest Survey of India Red Sanders Protection
Issues dealt in the Wing Red Sanders Protection Forest Fire Forest Martyrs Vigilance & Enforcement/ Anti-corruption Bureau Cases / Initiation of Disciplinary Cases/ Complaint petitions & News paper clippings Schemes
GOs/Guidelines/Circulars/Links Andhra Pradesh Forest Act, 1967 A.P. Forest Amendment Act No.15 of 2016 A.P.Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964. A.P.Civil Services (C.C.&A) Rules, 1991. Other Useful Links …Forest Survey of India