Sri Rahul Pandey, IFS
Addl.Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests (FCA I/c)
Mob: :+91 9948063202Landline: 0863-2377536
Email: rahulifs97@gmail.com
- Issues dealt in the Wing
- Pre-requisite for submission of proposal is “DGPS Survey of diversion of forest land and Compensatory Afforestation Land.”
- DGPS Permission will be accorded by PCCF &HoFF, A.P., in Reserve Forest areas and in Protected Areas it will be accorded by Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests (WL) & Chief Wildlife. The DGPS Surveyed data and maps signed by the field personnel will be submitted to the Office of the Prl.Chief Conservator of Forests & HoFF, A.P., for authentication.
- To supply authenticated map to the User Agency through the concerned DFO, authentication charges has to be paid by the user agency in the form of D.D as per the PCCF Proceedings Rc. no 24529/2006/M&E (IT-1) dated 18.01.2016.
- Subsequently the User agency has to upload proposals in the MoEF&CC, GoI web portal (www.parivesh.nic.in) in Forest Clearance portal in PART -1 which includes details of the Project, Persons authorized for submitting such application, Diversion Land & CA Land details, Maps, Undertakings etc.
- The proposal submitted will be verified by the “NODAL OFFICER –FCA” and will be either accepted or will communicate to attend the Shortcomings in online portal itself.
- If Proposal accepted by the “NODAL OFFICER-FCA”, it will be informed to User Agency to submit 7 sets of Hard copy proposals to PCCF Office. After receiving the (7) sets proposals, the same will be forwarded to concerned DFO for PART -II processing.
- If the proposal is not accepted by the “NODAL OFFICER-FCA”, it will be informed to the USER AGENCY to the rectify the shortcomings and upload the proposal in complete shape.
- DFO has to submit PART-II proposals with details of enumeration, Site inspection, RoFR Certificate etc., with specific recommendation to Conservator of Forests.
- Conservator of Forests has to submit PART-III proposals with his specific recommendation to the NODAL OFFICER.
- PART-IV recommendations will be done by PCCF &HoFF, A.P., and it will be submitted to GoAP either for approval or for onward submission to MoEF&CC, Regional Office, Chennai, GoI.
- Stage –I (in-principle) approval will be accorded as per the Guidelines either by State Government /Regional Office, Chennai, GoI.
- As per the conditions of the stage-Iapproval, the concerned DFO issues demand note to the user agency for making payment of NPV, CA etc. The same will be uploaded in the Ministry’s web portal by the User agency to generate Challan online to the extent of Demand note issued by DFO. Challan Generated will be verified by the NODAL OFFICER and will be accepted. User Agency has to pay the levies through e Payment process to CAMPA Adhoc account.
- User agency shall submit Stage-I conditions compliance report through concerned DFO &CF for final approval.
- NODAL OFFICER /PCCF Office forwards the Stage -I Compliance report to GoAP/R.O Chennai, GoI.
- Stage-II permission will be accorded by the competent authority.
Diversion of Forest land for non-forest purposes.
For making proposal to the Nodal Officer, the following procedure to be followed.
- GOs/Guidelines/Circulars/Links
- Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 Gazetted Notiofication
- Forest ConservationAmendment Act 1988
- FC Rules 2003